أ.د  دينا الحسيني سلامة

أ.د دينا الحسيني سلامة

Head of Radiology and Medical Imaging Technology Department


20 years of national, regional, and international experience that includes wide technical and academic experience combined with leadership and management in the field of Radiodiagnosis, Radiation Protection in Medicine, Emergency preparedness and response, technical cooperation, international cooperation, organizational skills, education, training, and research. 

Currently, I am the international advisor of his Excellency the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA for Technical Cooperation, the international Expert and national representative at the IAEA and WHO, and the Head of the Radiology unit at the Egyptian Atomic Energy Agency.

The regional focal point of the European Society of Radiology, member of the European task force for the development of international clinical imaging guidelines. A regional focal point for the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) on optimization.

At the National Level :

  • Director of Radiology & Medical Imaging Technology Programme and a professor at Misr University for Science & Technology
  • A professor & Head of the Radiology Dept. at the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
  • Vice-Chairman of the National Ethics Committee
  • Director of Radiation Safety at the Egyptian Society of Radiology
  • Expert and Consultant of the National Military Research projects

At the International Level :

  • Chairman of the Project Management Committee at AFRA which is the official African Regional Cooperative Agreement of the African Governments on supporting Research, Training, and Development in the field of Science and Technology
  • A member of the Standing Advisory Board of his Excellencies the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Technical Assistance & Cooperation (SAGTAC)
  • Vice-Chairman of Afrosafe and Arabsafe regional campaigns
  • The regional focal point and international Expert for the World Health Organization (WHO) in Switzerland
  • Member of the European Board on the development of Clinical Imaging Guidelines of the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
  • Member of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
  • The principal scientific investigator of more than 14 international projects and 45 publications

Recognition and Awards:

  • Selected as one of worldwide best 14 women leaders in Radiology through “Women in Focus program” held by the European Society of Radiology,2019
  • Selected as one among four African Role Model Women Leaders in Science &Technology at the IAEA General Conference,2018 
  • Winner of 2 international awards in best research (Montreal Award & International Radiation Protection Association Award)
  • National Military Award in recognition of national achievements in Research projects
  • The principal scientific investigator of more than 14 international projects and 45 publications


  • 1989

High school education: British high school degree, General Certificate of Education (GCE), University of London, England.

  • 1995

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery MBBCh, Faculty of Medicine,

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, with grade very good.

  • 1999

Masters degree in Radiodiagnosis M.Sc., Faculty of Medicine, Ain

Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

  • 2008

Ph.D. degree in Environmental medical Sciences (Radiodiagnosis specialty), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 2008.


Improvement of early detection of breast cancer through collaborative. multi country efforts: Observational clinical study. European Journal of Radiology (2019); 115: 31-38

Cerebral blood flow and serum neuron-specific enolase in early-onset neonatal sepsis. Pediatric Research (2018) 84:261–266; https:// doi.org/ 10.1038/ s41390-018-0062-4

Improvement of early detection of breast cancer through collaborative multi-country efforts: Medical physics component. Physica Medica 48 (2018) 127–134

Short Course versus Standard Course of Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma Multiforme . Nucl Med Radiat Ther 2017, 9:6. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9619.1000388

Radiographic and Histopathologic Evaluation of L-Carnitine andVitamin E Efficacy on Irradiated Jaw Bones Egypt. J. Rad. Sci. Applic. Vol. 31, No.2, pp. 215 – 224 (2018)

• Radioiodination and bioevaluation of rolipram as a tracer for brain imaging: In silico study, molecular modeling and gamma scintigraphy.J Label Compd Radiopharm. 2018;61:501–508.

Radioiodinated esmolol as a highly selective radiotracer for myocardial perfusion imaging: In silico study and preclinical evaluation. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 137 (2018) 41–49

Improving women’s health in low-income and middle-incomecountries. Part II: the needs of diagnostic imaging Nuclear Medicine Communications 2017, 38:1024–1028

Radioiodinated famotidine as a new highly selective radiotracer for peptic ulcer disorder detection, diagnostic nuclear imaging and biodistribution. Radiochim. Acta 2016; aop. DOI 10.1515/ract-20162683.

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